March is Readers are Leaders month. Here is a photo from our 3/26/2014 Ca$hFlow session. While learning about personal finance, getting rich, and loosing money our Young Leaders didn't realize that they were doing soooooo much reading. Today's session was led by guest presenter insurance and investment agent Paul Brinson, who has been presenting to the Leaders for two years now.
YESSSSS.... He just had a baby.......... This will cost him dearly....... For years......
The Golden Fold Mentor Movement serves youth (males) in grades 6th - 12th by providing seminar based Big-Brother-type activities in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We employ a Bonding-Presentation-Guidance model. Contact: thegoldenfold @ yahoo (dot) com or call 757-932-0177. The Golden Fold is a "Brothers and Others" Community Improvement activity of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi and an Social Action project of the Men of S.A.B.B. of Virginia Beach's Tidewater Community College.